It’s Football Time in SC!

Fall in the south doesn’t usually bring much cooler temps or changing leaves but it is synonymous with one thing….College Football!

Here in the Palmetto State we enjoy a friendly rivalry between Clemson University and the University of South Carolina. Whether you are an Orange Tiger or a Garnet Gamecock it’s always exciting when Saturday afternoon rolls around and you get to cheer on your team.

Our dear friend and incredible artist Charlotte Fraser, an HHI Native and Clemson Graduate, painted the most beautiful team spirit designs for her swaddle company, Saltwater Swaddles. When we came up with the idea to have the Rays create “Sunshine Spirit Boxes” as our new Fall offering, Charlotte was kind enough to lend us her art.

We came up with a fun array of products to fill our boxes and it has been such a fun undertaking to both create and watch it take off in a friendly rivalry.

So far our boxes have made their way to a few local celebrities including the Head Coaches for the respective teams and are even carried at Clemson’s Shepherd Hotel!

We can’t wait to see where the Sunshine Spirit shines next!


A High Flying Time


Let’s Get Physical!